001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003     * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
004     * distributed with this work for additional information
005     * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
006     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  "License");
007     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
008     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
009     *
010     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011     *
012     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016     * limitations under the License.
017     */
018    /*
019     * $Id: ExpandedNameTable.java 1225372 2011-12-28 22:58:27Z mrglavas $
020     */
021    package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref;
023    import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
025    /**
026     * This is a default implementation of a table that manages mappings from
027     * expanded names to expandedNameIDs.
028     *
029     * %OPT% The performance of the getExpandedTypeID() method is very important 
030     * to DTM building. To get the best performance out of this class, we implement
031     * a simple hash algorithm directly into this class, instead of using the
032     * inefficient java.util.Hashtable. The code for the get and put operations
033     * are combined in getExpandedTypeID() method to share the same hash calculation
034     * code. We only need to implement the rehash() interface which is used to
035     * expand the hash table.
036     */
037    public class ExpandedNameTable
038    {
040      /** Array of extended types for this document   */
041      private ExtendedType[] m_extendedTypes;
043      /** The initial size of the m_extendedTypes array */
044      private static int m_initialSize = 128;
046      /** Next available extended type   */
047      // %REVIEW% Since this is (should be) always equal 
048      // to the length of m_extendedTypes, do we need this? 
049      private int m_nextType;
051      // These are all the types prerotated, for caller convenience.
052      public static final int ELEMENT = ((int)DTM.ELEMENT_NODE) ;
053      public static final int ATTRIBUTE = ((int)DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ;
054      public static final int TEXT = ((int)DTM.TEXT_NODE) ;
055      public static final int CDATA_SECTION = ((int)DTM.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) ;
056      public static final int ENTITY_REFERENCE = ((int)DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) ;
057      public static final int ENTITY = ((int)DTM.ENTITY_NODE) ;
058      public static final int PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = ((int)DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) ;
059      public static final int COMMENT = ((int)DTM.COMMENT_NODE) ;
060      public static final int DOCUMENT = ((int)DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE) ;
061      public static final int DOCUMENT_TYPE = ((int)DTM.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) ;
062      public static final int DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT =((int)DTM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) ;
063      public static final int NOTATION = ((int)DTM.NOTATION_NODE) ;
064      public static final int NAMESPACE = ((int)DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE) ;
066      /** Workspace for lookup. NOT THREAD SAFE!
067       * */
068      ExtendedType hashET = new ExtendedType(-1, "", "");
070      /** The array to store the default extended types. */
071      private static ExtendedType[] m_defaultExtendedTypes;
073      /**
074       * The default load factor of the Hashtable.
075       * This is used to calcualte the threshold.
076       */
077      private static float m_loadFactor = 0.75f;
079      /**
080       * The initial capacity of the hash table. Use a bigger number
081       * to avoid the cost of expanding the table.
082       */ 
083      private static int m_initialCapacity = 203;
085      /**
086       * The capacity of the hash table, i.e. the size of the
087       * internal HashEntry array.
088       */ 
089      private int m_capacity;
091      /** 
092       * The threshold of the hash table, which is equal to capacity * loadFactor.
093       * If the number of entries in the hash table is bigger than the threshold,
094       * the hash table needs to be expanded.
095       */
096      private int m_threshold;
098      /**
099       * The internal array to store the hash entries.
100       * Each array member is a slot for a hash bucket.
101       */
102      private HashEntry[] m_table;
104      /**
105       * Init default values
106       */
107      static {
108        m_defaultExtendedTypes = new ExtendedType[DTM.NTYPES];
110        for (int i = 0; i < DTM.NTYPES; i++)
111        {
112          m_defaultExtendedTypes[i] = new ExtendedType(i, "", "");
113        }
114      }
116      /**
117       * Create an expanded name table.
118       */
119      public ExpandedNameTable()
120      {
121        m_capacity = m_initialCapacity;
122        m_threshold = (int)(m_capacity * m_loadFactor);
123        m_table = new HashEntry[m_capacity];
125        initExtendedTypes();
126      }
129      /**
130       *  Initialize the vector of extended types with the
131       *  basic DOM node types.
132       */
133      private void initExtendedTypes()
134      {    
135        m_extendedTypes = new ExtendedType[m_initialSize];
136        for (int i = 0; i < DTM.NTYPES; i++) {
137            m_extendedTypes[i] = m_defaultExtendedTypes[i];
138            m_table[i] = new HashEntry(m_defaultExtendedTypes[i], i, i, null);
139        }
141        m_nextType = DTM.NTYPES;
142      }
144      /**
145       * Given an expanded name represented by namespace, local name and node type,
146       * return an ID.  If the expanded-name does not exist in the internal tables,
147       * the entry will be created, and the ID will be returned.  Any additional 
148       * nodes that are created that have this expanded name will use this ID.
149       *
150       * @param namespace The namespace
151       * @param localName The local name
152       * @param type The node type
153       *
154       * @return the expanded-name id of the node.
155       */
156      public int getExpandedTypeID(String namespace, String localName, int type)
157      {
158        return getExpandedTypeID(namespace, localName, type, false);
159      }
161      /**
162       * Given an expanded name represented by namespace, local name and node type,
163       * return an ID.  If the expanded-name does not exist in the internal tables,
164       * the entry will be created, and the ID will be returned.  Any additional 
165       * nodes that are created that have this expanded name will use this ID.
166       * <p>
167       * If searchOnly is true, we will return -1 if the name is not found in the 
168       * table, otherwise the name is added to the table and the expanded name id
169       * of the new entry is returned.
170       *
171       * @param namespace The namespace
172       * @param localName The local name
173       * @param type The node type
174       * @param searchOnly If it is true, we will only search for the expanded name.
175       * -1 is return is the name is not found.
176       *
177       * @return the expanded-name id of the node.
178       */
179      public int getExpandedTypeID(String namespace, String localName, int type, boolean searchOnly)
180      {
181        if (null == namespace)
182          namespace = "";
183        if (null == localName)
184          localName = "";
186        // Calculate the hash code
187        int hash = type + namespace.hashCode() + localName.hashCode();
189        // Redefine the hashET object to represent the new expanded name.
190        hashET.redefine(type, namespace, localName, hash);
192        // Calculate the index into the HashEntry table.
193        int index = hash % m_capacity;
194        if (index < 0)
195          index = -index;
197        // Look up the expanded name in the hash table. Return the id if
198        // the expanded name is already in the hash table.
199        for (HashEntry e = m_table[index]; e != null; e = e.next)
200        {
201          if (e.hash == hash && e.key.equals(hashET))
202            return e.value;
203        }
205        if (searchOnly)
206        {
207          return DTM.NULL;
208        }
210        // Expand the internal HashEntry array if necessary.
211        if (m_nextType > m_threshold) {
212          rehash();
213          index = hash % m_capacity;
214          if (index < 0)
215            index = -index;
216        }
218        // Create a new ExtendedType object
219        ExtendedType newET = new ExtendedType(type, namespace, localName, hash);
221        // Expand the m_extendedTypes array if necessary.
222        if (m_extendedTypes.length == m_nextType) {
223            ExtendedType[] newArray = new ExtendedType[m_extendedTypes.length * 2];
224            System.arraycopy(m_extendedTypes, 0, newArray, 0,
225                             m_extendedTypes.length);
226            m_extendedTypes = newArray;
227        }
229        m_extendedTypes[m_nextType] = newET;
231        // Create a new hash entry for the new ExtendedType and put it into 
232        // the table.
233        HashEntry entry = new HashEntry(newET, m_nextType, hash, m_table[index]);
234        m_table[index] = entry;
236        return m_nextType++;
237      }
239      /**
240       * Increases the capacity of and internally reorganizes the hashtable, 
241       * in order to accommodate and access its entries more efficiently. 
242       * This method is called when the number of keys in the hashtable exceeds
243       * this hashtable's capacity and load factor.
244       */
245      private void rehash()
246      {
247        int oldCapacity = m_capacity;
248        HashEntry[] oldTable = m_table;
250        int newCapacity = 2 * oldCapacity + 1;
251        m_capacity = newCapacity;
252        m_threshold = (int)(newCapacity * m_loadFactor);
254        m_table = new HashEntry[newCapacity];
255        for (int i = oldCapacity-1; i >=0 ; i--)
256        {
257          for (HashEntry old = oldTable[i]; old != null; )
258          {
259            HashEntry e = old;
260            old = old.next;
262            int newIndex = e.hash % newCapacity;
263            if (newIndex < 0)
264              newIndex = -newIndex;
266            e.next = m_table[newIndex];
267            m_table[newIndex] = e;
268          }
269        }
270      }
272      /**
273       * Given a type, return an expanded name ID.Any additional nodes that are
274       * created that have this expanded name will use this ID.
275       *
276       * @return the expanded-name id of the node.
277       */
278      public int getExpandedTypeID(int type)
279      {
280        return type;
281      }
283      /**
284       * Given an expanded-name ID, return the local name part.
285       *
286       * @param ExpandedNameID an ID that represents an expanded-name.
287       * @return String Local name of this node, or null if the node has no name.
288       */
289      public String getLocalName(int ExpandedNameID)
290      {
291        return m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID].getLocalName();
292      }
294      /**
295       * Given an expanded-name ID, return the local name ID.
296       *
297       * @param ExpandedNameID an ID that represents an expanded-name.
298       * @return The id of this local name.
299       */
300      public final int getLocalNameID(int ExpandedNameID)
301      {
302        // ExtendedType etype = m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID];
303        if (m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID].getLocalName().length() == 0)
304          return 0;
305        else
306        return ExpandedNameID;
307      }
310      /**
311       * Given an expanded-name ID, return the namespace URI part.
312       *
313       * @param ExpandedNameID an ID that represents an expanded-name.
314       * @return String URI value of this node's namespace, or null if no
315       * namespace was resolved.
316       */
317      public String getNamespace(int ExpandedNameID)
318      {
319        String namespace = m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID].getNamespace();
320        return (namespace.length() == 0 ? null : namespace);
321      }
323      /**
324       * Given an expanded-name ID, return the namespace URI ID.
325       *
326       * @param ExpandedNameID an ID that represents an expanded-name.
327       * @return The id of this namespace.
328       */
329      public final int getNamespaceID(int ExpandedNameID)
330      {
331        //ExtendedType etype = m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID];
332        if (m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID].getNamespace().length() == 0)
333          return 0;
334        else
335        return ExpandedNameID;
336      }
338      /**
339       * Given an expanded-name ID, return the local name ID.
340       *
341       * @param ExpandedNameID an ID that represents an expanded-name.
342       * @return The id of this local name.
343       */
344      public final short getType(int ExpandedNameID)
345      {
346        //ExtendedType etype = m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID];
347        return (short)m_extendedTypes[ExpandedNameID].getNodeType();
348      }
350      /**
351       * Return the size of the ExpandedNameTable
352       *
353       * @return The size of the ExpandedNameTable
354       */
355      public int getSize()
356      {
357        return m_nextType;
358      }
360      /**
361       * Return the array of extended types
362       *
363       * @return The array of extended types
364       */
365      public ExtendedType[] getExtendedTypes()
366      {
367        return m_extendedTypes;
368      }
370      /**
371       * Inner class which represents a hash table entry.
372       * The field next points to the next entry which is hashed into
373       * the same bucket in the case of "hash collision".
374       */
375      private static final class HashEntry
376      {
377        ExtendedType key;
378        int value;
379        int hash;
380        HashEntry next;
382        protected HashEntry(ExtendedType key, int value, int hash, HashEntry next)
383        {
384          this.key = key;
385          this.value = value;
386          this.hash = hash;
387          this.next = next;
388        }
389      }
391    }