Uses of Class

Packages that use ElemVariable
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xpath.operations Support for XPath operations, such as +, -, string(), etc. 

Uses of ElemVariable in org.apache.xalan.templates

Subclasses of ElemVariable in org.apache.xalan.templates
 class ElemExsltFuncResult
          Handles the EXSLT result element within an EXSLT function element.
 class ElemParam
          Implement xsl:param.
 class ElemVariablePsuedo

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates that return ElemVariable
protected  ElemVariable RedundentExprEliminator.addVarDeclToElem(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi, ElemVariable psuedoVar)
          Add the given variable to the psuedoVarRecipient.
protected  ElemVariable RedundentExprEliminator.createGlobalPseudoVarDecl(QName uniquePseudoVarName, StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot, LocPathIterator lpi)
          Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.
protected  ElemVariable RedundentExprEliminator.createLocalPseudoVarDecl(QName uniquePseudoVarName, ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi)
          Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, for a local reduction.
protected  ElemVariable RedundentExprEliminator.createPseudoVarDecl(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi, boolean isGlobal)
          Create a psuedo variable reference that will represent the shared redundent XPath, and add it to the stylesheet.
protected  ElemVariable RedundentExprEliminator.getPrevVariableElem(ElemTemplateElement elem)
          Find the previous occurance of a xsl:variable.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariable(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariableOrParam(int i)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariableOrParam(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" or "xsl:param" property.
 ElemVariable StylesheetRoot.getVariableOrParamComposed(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type ElemVariable
protected  ElemVariable RedundentExprEliminator.addVarDeclToElem(ElemTemplateElement psuedoVarRecipient, LocPathIterator lpi, ElemVariable psuedoVar)
          Add the given variable to the psuedoVarRecipient.
(package private)  void StylesheetRoot.recomposeVariables(ElemVariable elemVar)
          Recompose the top level variable and parameter declarations.
 void Stylesheet.setVariable(ElemVariable v)
          Set the "xsl:variable" property.
 boolean XSLTVisitor.visitVariableOrParamDecl(ElemVariable elem)
          Visit an XSLT variable or parameter declaration.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type ElemVariable
ElemVariable(ElemVariable param)
          Copy constructor.
XUnresolvedVariable(ElemVariable obj, int sourceNode, TransformerImpl transformer, int varStackPos, int varStackContext, boolean isGlobal)
          Create an XUnresolvedVariable, that may be executed at a later time.
XUnresolvedVariableSimple(ElemVariable obj)

Uses of ElemVariable in org.apache.xpath.operations

Methods in org.apache.xpath.operations that return ElemVariable
 ElemVariable Variable.getElemVariable()
          Get the XSLT ElemVariable that this sub-expression references.