Packages that use RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder | |
org.apache.xalan.templates | Implements the Templates interface,
and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. |
Uses of RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder in org.apache.xalan.templates |
Fields in org.apache.xalan.templates declared as RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder | |
(package private) RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates that return RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder | |
(package private) RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder.addInSortedOrder(ExpressionOwner exprOwner,
int stepCount)
Add a new MultistepExprHolder in sorted order in the list. |
protected RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
RedundentExprEliminator.createMultistepExprList(java.util.Vector paths)
For the reduction of location path parts, create a list of all the multistep paths with more than one step, sorted by the number of steps, with the most steps occuring earlier in the list. |
protected RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
RedundentExprEliminator.matchAndEliminatePartialPaths(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee,
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head,
boolean isGlobal,
int lengthToTest,
ElemTemplateElement varScope)
For a given path, see if there are any partitial matches in the list, and, if there are, replace those partial paths with psuedo variable refs, and create the psuedo variable decl. |
(package private) RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder.unlink(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder itemToRemove)
Remove the given element from the list. |
Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder | |
protected ElemTemplateElement |
RedundentExprEliminator.findCommonAncestor(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head)
Given a linked list of expressions, find the common ancestor that is suitable for holding a psuedo variable for shared access. |
protected boolean |
RedundentExprEliminator.isNotSameAsOwner(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head,
ElemTemplateElement ete)
Find out if the given ElemTemplateElement is not the same as one of the ElemTemplateElement owners of the expressions. |
protected RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
RedundentExprEliminator.matchAndEliminatePartialPaths(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee,
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder head,
boolean isGlobal,
int lengthToTest,
ElemTemplateElement varScope)
For a given path, see if there are any partitial matches in the list, and, if there are, replace those partial paths with psuedo variable refs, and create the psuedo variable decl. |
(package private) boolean |
RedundentExprEliminator.partialIsVariable(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder testee,
int lengthToTest)
Check if results of partial reduction will just be a variable, in which case, skip it. |
(package private) RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder |
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder.unlink(RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder itemToRemove)
Remove the given element from the list. |
Constructors in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder | |
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder(ExpressionOwner exprOwner,
int stepCount,
RedundentExprEliminator.MultistepExprHolder next)
Create a MultistepExprHolder. |