Uses of Class

Packages that use Parser

Uses of Parser in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler declared as Parser
private  Parser XSLTC._parser
private  Parser SyntaxTreeNode._parser

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler that return Parser
 Parser XSLTC.getParser()
          Only for user by the internal TrAX implementation.
 Parser SyntaxTreeNode.getParser()
          Returns this node's XSLT parser.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type Parser
static AttributeValue AttributeValue.create(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String text, Parser parser)
 void Stylesheet.declareExtensionPrefixes(Parser parser)
private  void AttributeValueTemplate.parseAVTemplate(java.lang.String text, Parser parser)
          Two-pass parsing of ATVs.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.parseChildren(Parser parser)
          Parse all children of this syntax tree node.
 void XslElement.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void XslAttribute.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parses the attribute's contents.
 void WithParam.parseContents(Parser parser)
          The contents of a elements are either in the element's 'select' attribute (this has precedence) or in the element body.
 void Whitespace.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the attributes of the xsl:strip/preserve-space element.
 void When.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void VariableBase.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the contents of the element.
 void Variable.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the contents of the variable
 void ValueOf.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void UnsupportedElement.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Find any fallback in the descendant nodes; then activate & parse it
 void TransletOutput.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the contents of this element.
 void Text.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Template.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void SyntaxTreeNode.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the contents of this syntax tree nodes (child nodes, XPath expressions, patterns and functions).
 void Stylesheet.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the version and uri fields of the stylesheet and add an entry to the symbol table mapping the name __stylesheet_ to an instance of this class.
 void Sort.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the attributes of the xsl:sort element
 void ProcessingInstruction.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Param.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the contents of the element.
 void Output.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Scans the attribute list for the xsl:output instruction
 void Number.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void NamespaceAlias.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Message.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void LiteralElement.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Determines the final QName for the element and its attributes.
 void Key.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the element and attributes
 void Include.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Import.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void If.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the "test" expression and contents of this element.
 void ForEach.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Fallback.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse contents only if this fallback element is put in place of some unsupported element or non-XSLTC extension element
 void DecimalFormatting.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the name of the element
 void CopyOf.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Copy.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void Comment.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void CallTemplate.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void AttributeSet.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the contents of this attribute set.
 void Attribute.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void ApplyTemplates.parseContents(Parser parser)
 void ApplyImports.parseContents(Parser parser)
          Parse the attributes and contents of an element.
 void Stylesheet.parseOwnChildren(Parser parser)
          Parse all direct children of the element.
 void Template.parseSimplified(Stylesheet stylesheet, Parser parser)
          When the parser realises that it is dealign with a simplified stylesheet it will create an empty Stylesheet object with the root element of the stylesheet (a LiteralElement object) as its only child.
private  void UnsupportedElement.processFallbacks(Parser parser)
          Scan and process all fallback children of the unsupported element.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.reportError(SyntaxTreeNode element, Parser parser, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.String message)
          Report an error to the parser.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.reportWarning(SyntaxTreeNode element, Parser parser, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.String message)
          Report a recoverable error to the parser.
private  VariableRefBase UnresolvedRef.resolve(Parser parser, SymbolTable stable)
private  boolean Template.resolveNamedTemplates(Template other, Parser parser)
 void UnionPathExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
 void UnaryOpExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.setParser(Parser parser)
          Set this node's parser.
 void Stylesheet.setParser(Parser parser)
 void StepPattern.setParser(Parser parser)
 void Step.setParser(Parser parser)
          Set the parser for this element and all child predicates
 void RelationalExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
 void Predicate.setParser(Parser parser)
          Set the parser for this expression.
 void ParentPattern.setParser(Parser parser)
 void ParentLocationPath.setParser(Parser parser)
 void LogicalExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
          Override the SyntaxTreeNode.setParser() method to make sure that the parser is set for sub-expressions
 void FunctionCall.setParser(Parser parser)
 void FilterParentPath.setParser(Parser parser)
 void FilterExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
 void FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath.setParser(Parser parser)
 void EqualityExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
 void BinOpExpr.setParser(Parser parser)
 void AncestorPattern.setParser(Parser parser)
 void AlternativePattern.setParser(Parser parser)
 void AbsolutePathPattern.setParser(Parser parser)
 void AbsoluteLocationPath.setParser(Parser parser)
protected  QName SyntaxTreeNode.updateScope(Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode node)
          Add a node to the current scope and return name of a variable or parameter if the node represents a variable or a parameter.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type Parser
AttributeValueTemplate(java.lang.String value, Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode parent)
LiteralAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode parent)
          Creates a new literal attribute (but does not insert it into the AST).
UseAttributeSets(java.lang.String setNames, Parser parser)
          Constructur - define initial attribute sets to use

Uses of Parser in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util declared as Parser
private  Parser ClassGenerator._parser

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util that return Parser
 Parser ClassGenerator.getParser()

Uses of Parser in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax declared as Parser
private  Parser TemplatesHandlerImpl._parser
          A reference to XSLTC's parser object.