Uses of Class

Packages that use SyntaxTreeNode

Uses of SyntaxTreeNode in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler

Subclasses of SyntaxTreeNode in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler
(package private)  class AbsoluteLocationPath
(package private)  class AbsolutePathPattern
(package private)  class AlternativePattern
(package private)  class AncestorPattern
(package private)  class ApplyImports
(package private)  class ApplyTemplates
(package private)  class Attribute
(package private)  class AttributeSet
(package private)  class AttributeValue
(package private)  class AttributeValueTemplate
(package private)  class BinOpExpr
(package private)  class BooleanCall
(package private)  class BooleanExpr
          This class implements inlined calls to the XSLT standard functions true() and false().
(package private)  class CallTemplate
(package private)  class CastCall
(package private)  class CastExpr
(package private)  class CeilingCall
(package private)  class Choose
(package private)  class Comment
(package private)  class ConcatCall
(package private)  class ContainsCall
(package private)  class Copy
(package private)  class CopyOf
(package private)  class CurrentCall
(package private)  class DecimalFormatting
(package private)  class DocumentCall
(package private)  class ElementAvailableCall
(package private)  class EqualityExpr
(package private)  class Expression
(package private)  class Fallback
(package private)  class FilteredAbsoluteLocationPath
(package private)  class FilterExpr
(package private)  class FilterParentPath
(package private)  class FloorCall
(package private)  class ForEach
(package private)  class FormatNumberCall
(package private)  class FunctionAvailableCall
(package private)  class FunctionCall
(package private)  class GenerateIdCall
(package private)  class IdKeyPattern
(package private)  class IdPattern
(package private)  class If
(package private)  class Import
(package private)  class Include
(package private)  class Instruction
(package private)  class IntExpr
(package private)  class Key
(package private)  class KeyCall
(package private)  class KeyPattern
(package private)  class LangCall
(package private)  class LastCall
(package private)  class LiteralAttribute
(package private)  class LiteralElement
(package private)  class LiteralExpr
(package private)  class LocalNameCall
 class LocationPathPattern
(package private)  class LogicalExpr
(package private)  class Message
(package private)  class NameBase
(package private)  class NameCall
(package private)  class NamespaceAlias
(package private)  class NamespaceUriCall
(package private)  class NotCall
(package private)  class Number
(package private)  class NumberCall
(package private)  class Otherwise
(package private)  class Output
(package private)  class Param
(package private)  class ParameterRef
(package private)  class ParentLocationPath
(package private)  class ParentPattern
 class Pattern
(package private)  class PositionCall
(package private)  class Predicate
(package private)  class ProcessingInstruction
(package private)  class ProcessingInstructionPattern
(package private)  class RealExpr
(package private)  class RelationalExpr
(package private)  class RelativeLocationPath
(package private)  class RelativePathPattern
(package private)  class RoundCall
(package private)  class SimpleAttributeValue
(package private)  class Sort
(package private)  class StartsWithCall
(package private)  class Step
(package private)  class StepPattern
(package private)  class StringCall
(package private)  class StringLengthCall
 class Stylesheet
 class Template
(package private)  class Text
(package private)  class TopLevelElement
(package private)  class TransletOutput
(package private)  class UnaryOpExpr
(package private)  class UnionPathExpr
(package private)  class UnparsedEntityUriCall
(package private)  class UnresolvedRef
(package private)  class UnsupportedElement
(package private)  class UseAttributeSets
(package private)  class ValueOf
(package private)  class Variable
(package private)  class VariableBase
(package private)  class VariableRef
(package private)  class VariableRefBase
(package private)  class When
(package private)  class Whitespace
(package private)  class WithParam
(package private)  class XslAttribute
(package private)  class XslElement

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler declared as SyntaxTreeNode
private  SyntaxTreeNode SymbolTable._current
          Use a namespace prefix to lookup a namespace URI
protected  SyntaxTreeNode SyntaxTreeNode._parent
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser._root
(package private) static SyntaxTreeNode SyntaxTreeNode.Dummy

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler that return SyntaxTreeNode
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.findStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode root, java.lang.String href)
          Find a Stylesheet element with a specific ID attribute value.
 SyntaxTreeNode Parser.getDocumentRoot()
protected  SyntaxTreeNode SyntaxTreeNode.getParent()
          Returns this syntax tree node's parent node.
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.getStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode root)
          Extracts the DOM for the stylesheet.
protected  SyntaxTreeNode SyntaxTreeNode.lastChild()
          Returns this element's last child
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.loadExternalStylesheet(java.lang.String location)
          For embedded stylesheets: Load an external file with stylesheet
 SyntaxTreeNode SymbolTable.lookupName(QName qname)
 SyntaxTreeNode Parser.makeInstance(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String local, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes)
 SyntaxTreeNode Parser.parse(org.xml.sax.InputSource input)
          Parses a stylesheet and builds the internal abstract syntax tree
 SyntaxTreeNode Parser.parse(org.xml.sax.XMLReader reader, org.xml.sax.InputSource input)
          Parses a stylesheet and builds the internal abstract syntax tree
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.parseTopLevel(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String expression)
          Parse an XPath expression or pattern using the generated XPathParser The method will return a Dummy node if the XPath parser fails.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type SyntaxTreeNode
 void LiteralElement.addAttribute(SyntaxTreeNode attribute)
          Add an attribute to this element
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.addElement(SyntaxTreeNode element)
          Adds a child node to this syntax tree node.
private  boolean LiteralElement.canProduceAttributeNodes(SyntaxTreeNode node, boolean ignoreXslAttribute)
          Return true if the instructions under the given SyntaxTreeNode can produce attribute nodes to an element.
private  void Parser.checkForSuperfluousAttributes(SyntaxTreeNode node, org.xml.sax.Attributes attrs)
          checks the list of attributes against a list of allowed attributes for a particular element node.
static AttributeValue AttributeValue.create(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String text, Parser parser)
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.findStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode root, java.lang.String href)
          Find a Stylesheet element with a specific ID attribute value.
 java.util.Enumeration LiteralElement.getNamespaceScope(SyntaxTreeNode node)
          This method starts at a given node, traverses all namespace mappings, and assembles a list of all prefixes that (for the given node) maps to _ANY_ namespace URI.
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.getStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode root)
          Extracts the DOM for the stylesheet.
private  boolean SyntaxTreeNode.isAdaptiveRTF(SyntaxTreeNode node)
          Return true if the node represents an adaptive RTF.
private  boolean SyntaxTreeNode.isSimpleRTF(SyntaxTreeNode node)
          Return true if the node represents a simple RTF.
private  boolean SyntaxTreeNode.isTextElement(SyntaxTreeNode node, boolean doExtendedCheck)
          Return true if the node only produces Text content.
 Stylesheet Parser.makeStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode element)
          Create an instance of the Stylesheet class, and then parse, typecheck and compile the instance.
 Expression Parser.parseExpression(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String exp)
          Parse an XPath expression:
 Expression Parser.parseExpression(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String attr, java.lang.String def)
          Parse an XPath expression:
 Pattern Parser.parsePattern(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String pattern)
          Parse an XPath pattern:
 Pattern Parser.parsePattern(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String attr, java.lang.String def)
          Parse an XPath pattern:
private  SyntaxTreeNode Parser.parseTopLevel(SyntaxTreeNode parent, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String expression)
          Parse an XPath expression or pattern using the generated XPathParser The method will return a Dummy node if the XPath parser fails.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.removeElement(SyntaxTreeNode element)
          Removed a child node of this syntax tree node.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.reportError(SyntaxTreeNode element, Parser parser, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.String message)
          Report an error to the parser.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.reportWarning(SyntaxTreeNode element, Parser parser, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.String message)
          Report a recoverable error to the parser.
 void SymbolTable.setCurrentNode(SyntaxTreeNode node)
 void LiteralElement.setFirstAttribute(SyntaxTreeNode attribute)
          Set the first attribute of this element
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.setFirstElement(SyntaxTreeNode element)
          Inserts the first child node of this syntax tree node.
protected  void SyntaxTreeNode.setParent(SyntaxTreeNode parent)
          Set this syntax tree node's parent node
protected  QName SyntaxTreeNode.updateScope(Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode node)
          Add a node to the current scope and return name of a variable or parameter if the node represents a variable or a parameter.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler with parameters of type SyntaxTreeNode
AttributeValueTemplate(java.lang.String value, Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode parent)
LiteralAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode parent)
          Creates a new literal attribute (but does not insert it into the AST).

Uses of SyntaxTreeNode in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util

Fields in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util declared as SyntaxTreeNode
(package private)  SyntaxTreeNode TypeCheckError._node

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util with parameters of type SyntaxTreeNode
private  java.lang.String ErrorMsg.getFileName(SyntaxTreeNode node)

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util with parameters of type SyntaxTreeNode
ErrorMsg(java.lang.String code, java.lang.Object param1, java.lang.Object param2, SyntaxTreeNode node)
ErrorMsg(java.lang.String code, java.lang.Object param1, SyntaxTreeNode node)
ErrorMsg(java.lang.String code, SyntaxTreeNode node)
TypeCheckError(SyntaxTreeNode node)